Tips & Articles
10 Ways to Use Kinesiology Tape X-Strips
A Guide to Kinesiology Tape
Abdomen 01
Abdomen 02
Abdomen 03
Abdomen 04
Abdominals - KT Tape
About KT Tape
AC Joint Pain - KT Tape
AC Joint Pain - StrengthTape
Achilles Taping Videos
Achilles Tendinitis - Go Tape
Achilles Tendinitis - KT Tape
Achilles Tendinitis - StrengthTape
Achilles Tendinitis 01
Achilles Tendinitis 02
Achilles Tendinitis 03
Add Kinesiology Taping to your Repertoire
Ankle Sprain - SpiderTech
Ankle Sprain - StrengthTape
Ankle Stability - Genesis
Ankle Stability - GO Tape
Ankle Stability - KT Tape
Ankle Taping Videos
Applications of Taping: Lymphatic to Pediatric
Ares Tape Videos
Arm Taping Videos
Athletic Injuries
Babies with Hypotonia
Baby Belt - RockTape
Back and Shoulder Pain
Back HotSpot - StrengthTape
Back of Knee Pain - KT Tape
Back of Knee Pain - StrengthTape
Back Pain - Kinesio Tape
Back Taping Videos
Balance Awareness and Kinesio Taping of the Ankle
Ball of Foot Pain - KT Tape
Belly Belt 01- PerformTex
Belly Belt 02 - PerformTex
Biceps - Go Tape
Biceps - KT Tape
Biceps - StrengthTape
Big Toe
Bunion - KT Tape
Calf Achilles Support - Kindmax
Calf and Arch Pain - SpiderTech
Calf Cramp
Calf Pain
Calf Pain - GO Tape
Calf Pain - KT Tape
Calf Strain - StrengthTape
Calf Swelling
Calf Taping Videos
Carpal Tunnel - Kinesio Tape
Carpal Tunnel - RockTape
Carpel Tunnel
Chest Pain 01
Chest Pain 02
Common Knee Conditions - IT Band Syndrome
Common Knee Conditions - Runner's Knee
Complete Knee - GO Tape
Damu Cherry uses RockTape
Diaphragm - RockTape
Diaphragmatic Tape for the Whole Abdomen
Diaphram - PerformTex
Diastasis Recti: A Solution
Edema & Swelling
Edema 01 - SPiderTech
Edema 02 - SpiderTech
Effects of Kinesio Taping on Upper Extremity Pain
Elbow Pain - SpiderTech
Elbow Support - Kindmax
Elbow Taping Videos
Equine Kinesiology Taping Videos
Finger Jam - KT Tape
Finger Jam - StrengthTape
Finger Pain
Flat Foot
Food Support - KindMax
Foot Ankle Swelling - PerformTex
Foot Pain - Kinesio Tape
Foot Pain - PerformTex
Foot Taping Videos
Front Neck Pain
Front Sling w/ Baby Belt - RockTape
Front Thigh Pain 01
Front Thigh Pain 02
Frozen Shoulder
General Elbow - KT Tape
General Elbow Injury - StrengthTape
General Elbow- GO Tape
General Shoulder
General Shoulder - GO Tape
General Shoulder - KT Tape
General Shoulder - StrengthTape
General Wrist Pain
Gluteal Pain - GO Tape
Gluteus - StrengthTape
Gluteus Pain - KT Tape
GO Tape videos
Golf Elbow
Golf Elbow - KT Tape
Groin Pain
Groin Pain - SpiderTech
Groin Pain - StrengthTape
Groin Strain - KT Tape
Hallux Valgus
Hamstring - GO Tape
Hamstring - StrengthTape
Hand Taping Videos
Heel Pain - GO Tape
Heel Pain - KT Tape
Hip Flexor - KT Tape
Hip Flexor - StrengthTape
Hip Joint
Hip Pain - GO Tape
Hip Pain - PerformTex
Hip Pain - SpiderTech
Hip Pain 01
Hip Pain 02
Hip Taping Videos
How Does Kinesiology Tape Work?
How Kinesiology Tape Helps with Lymphatic Drainage
How Kinesiology Tape is Being Used in Pediatric Care
How to Apply Kinesiology Tape
How to Apply Kinesiology Tape Precut Strips
How to Apply Kinesiology Tape Without Touching the Adhesive
How to Cut and Apply a Fan Strip of Kinesiology Tape
How to Get Kinesiology Tape to Stick - The 6 P's of Kinesiology Taping
How to Get Your Own Private-Label Custom Kinesiology Tape
Injuries in Golf
Inner Knee Pain - KT Tape
Inner Lower Arm Pain
Intercostal Neuralgia
Introducing Ares Brand Kinesiology Tape
Ironman Champion Counts on SpiderTech
Ironman Triathlete Loves KT Tape
IT Band - GO Tape
IT Band - KT Tape
Keeping Up The Momentum - Staying Motivated Through Injuries
Kinesio Tape Information
Kinesio Tape Videos
Kinesio Taping and Hypotonia
Kinesio Taping and Lymphatic Flow in Rabbit Hind Leg
Kinesio Taping and Patellofemoral Pain
Kinesio Taping and Pediatric Neurological Impairment
Kinesio Taping and Shoulder Impingement Syndrome
Kinesio Taping for Achilles Tendon Pain in Badminton Players
Kinesio Taping for Children with Cerebral Palsy
Kinesio Taping for Forearm Strength of Tennis Players
Kinesio Taping for Hypertrophic Scar Formation
Kinesio Taping for Lower Limbs Strength of Soccer Players
Kinesio Taping for Lymphoedema in Women after Mastectomy
Kinesio Taping for Motor Perception & Soccer Skills
Kinesio Taping for Muscle Strength after ACL-Repair
Kinesio Taping for Myofascial Pain in Shoulder
Kinesio Taping for Patellar & Achilles Tendonitis in Bicyclists
Kinesio Taping for Post-surgical Scar Management
Kinesio Taping for Shoulder Sensations (Sports Rehab)
Kinesio Taping for Skin Wounds
Kinesio Taping for Water Polo Shoulder Injuries
Kinesio Taping in Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema
Kinesio Taping in Degenerative Cervical Disorders
Kinesio Taping in Patients With Whiplash
Kinesio Taping in Pediatric Rehabilitation Setting
Kinesio Taping in Pediatrics to Improve Oral Motor Control
Kinesio Taping in Reducing Edema of Lower Limbs
Kinesio Taping in Stroke - Hemiplegia
Kinesio Taping Treatment for the Disorders of Dancers
Kinesio Tex Classic vs. Kinesio Tex Gold FP
Kinesiology Tape - The Facts
Kinesiology Tape Benefits
Kinesiology Tape Brand Comparison
Kinesiology Tape for Common Athletic Injuries
Kinesiology Tape for Lymphedema in Breast Cancer Patients
Kinesiology Tape vs Athletic Tape or Strapping Tape
Kinesiology Taping - General
Kinesiology Taping and Meralgia Paresthetica
Kinesiology Taping Blog
Kinesiology Taping Do's and Don'ts
Kinesiology Taping for Ankle Stability
Kinesiology Taping for Back Pain
Kinesiology Taping for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Kinesiology Taping for Cervical Spinal Stenosis
Kinesiology Taping for Foot Drop
Kinesiology Taping for Pain Relief
Kinesiology Taping for Plantar Fasciitis
Kinesiology Taping for Pregnancy
Kinesiology Taping for Sciatica and Lower Back Pain
Kinesiology Taping for Tonal Dysfunction in Children and Young Adults
Kinesiology Taping in the Paediatric Population
Kinesiology Taping Videos - By Body Part
Kinesiotaping in Physiotherapy after Abdominal Surgery
Knee Pain - Kinesio Tape
Knee Pain - SpiderTech
Knee Pain 01
Knee Pain 02
Knee Pain 03
Knee Pain 04
Knee Pain 05
Knee Spider Helps Surfer's MCL Sprain
Knee Stability - StrengthTape
Knee Support - Genesis
Knee Support - Kindmax
Knee Support - KT Tape
Knee Taping Videos
Kneecap Pain - Kinesio Tape
KT Tape Introduced at 2010 Indian Wells
KT Tape Videos
Lateral Ankle Sprain
Lateral Elbow Pain 01
Lateral Elbow Pain 02
Lateral Knee Pain
Lateral Neck Pain
Low Back Pain - GO Tape
Low Back Pain - Kinesio Tape
Low Back Spider Eliminates Chronic Back Pain
Low Back Support - PerformTex
Lower Back - RockTape
Lower Back Pain - KT Tape
Lower Back Pain - SpiderTech
Lower Back Pain 01
Lower Back Pain 02
Lower Back Pain 03
Lower Back Pain 04
Lower Back Stability - StrengthTape
Lower Back Support - Kindmax
Lymphatic - SpiderTech
Medial Ankle Sprain
Medial Elbow Pain 01
Medial Elbow Pain 02
Medial Knee Pain
Miscellaneous Instructions Videos
Muscles of Thigh Pain
Muscular Pain & Kinesio�� Taping
Nasara Kinesiology Tape
National Ballet of Canada wears SpiderTech!
Natural Healing With Kinesiology Tape
Neck and Shoulder Pain - KT Tape
Neck and Shoulder Pain 01
Neck and Shoulder Pain 02
Neck Pain 01 - Kinesio tape
Neck Pain 02 - Kinesio Tape
Neck Postural Stress - RockTape
Neck Stiffness
Neck Strain - SpiderTech
Neck Strain - StrengthTape
Neck Support - Kindmax
Neck Taping Videos
Neck Tension Pain Relief
New Kinesiology Taping DVD
New Uses for Athletic Taping
Osgood Schlatter - GO Tape
Osgood Schlatter - KT Tape
Osgood Schlatter - StrengthTape
Outer Knee Pain - KT Tape
Outer Knee Pain - StrengthTape
Outer Lower Arm Pain
Outer Lower Elbow
Patella Pain 01
Patella Pain 02
Peanut Butter & Co Cycling Team Counts on RockTape
PerformTex Videos
Peroneal Tendonitis - KT Tape
Piriformis Hip Pain - RockTape
Plantar Fasciitis - GO Tape
Plantar Fasciitis - KT Tape
Plantar Fasciitis - RockTape
Plantar Fasciitis - StrengthTape
Planter Fasciitis
Posterior Neck Pain 01
Posterior Neck Pain 02
Posterior Shin Splints - KT Tape
Posterior Thigh Pain 01
Posterior Thigh Pain 02
Posterior Upper Shoulder
Postural - SpiderTech
PowerTaping and Fascial Movement Taping
Pregnancy Carpal Tunnel - RockTape
Pregnancy Foot Ankle Swelling - PerformTex
Pregnancy Foot Pain - PerformTex
Pregnancy Foot Swelling - PerformTex
Pregnancy Hip Pain - PerformTex
Pregnancy Hip Pain - RockTape
Pregnancy Low Back Pain - PerformTex
Pregnancy Lower Back Pain - RockTape
Pregnancy Neck Postural Stress - RockTape
Pregnancy Plantar Fasciitis - RockTape
Pregnancy Swollen Ankles - RockTape
Pregnancy Taping Videos
Printable Taping Instructions
Putting on the Stripes to Ease Pain
Quad - GO Tape
Quad - KT Tape
Quad - StrengthTape
Resources for Health Professionals
Rheumatism of Ankle
Rheumatism of Elbow
Rheumatism of Finger
Rheumatism of Knee
Rheumatism of Wrist
Rib Pain - KT Tape
Rib Pain - RockTape
Rib Pain 01
Rib Pain 02
Rock On with New Rock Sauce
RockTape Information
RockTape Videos
Rotator Cuff - KT Tape
Rotator Cuff - StrengthTape
Sacroiliac - RockTape
Sciatica - PerformTex
Sciatica - RockTape
Shin Splints
Shin Splints - GO Tape
Shin Splints - KT Tape
Shin Splints - StrengthTape
Shin Taping Videos
Shoulder Constusion
Shoulder Pain - Genesis
Shoulder Pain - SpiderTech
Shoulder Pain 01 - Kinesio Tape
Shoulder Pain 02 - Kinesio Tape
Shoulder Pain from Overuse
Shoulder Stability - GO Tape
Shoulder Support - Kindmax
Shoulder Taping Videos
SI Joint - GO Tape
SI Joint - KT Tape
Sole Pain 01
Sole Pain 02
SpiderTech Enhances Cycling Performance
SpiderTech Gentle Information
SpiderTech Information
SpiderTech PowerStrips
SpiderTech PowerStrips Videos
SpiderTech Precut Kinesiology Tape
SpiderTech Saves Jordan Rapp's Career
SpiderTech Videos
SpiderTech X-Strips for Tennis Elbow Pain
Spine - KT Tape
Spine Pain - GO Tape
Spine Taping Videos
Sprained Wrist - SpiderTech
StrengthTape Information
StrengthTape Videos
Swollen Ankles - RockTape
Tail Bone
Ten Tips for Getting Kinesiology Tape to Stick
Tennis Elbow
Tennis Elbow
Tennis Elbow - Genesis
Tennis Elbow - GO Tape
Tennis Elbow - KT Tape
Tennis Elbow - StrengthTape
Test Post - Table Settings
The Basics of Applying Kinesiology Tape
The Clinical Efficacy of Kinesio Tape for Shoulder Pain
The Effect of Kinesio Taping for Sciatica in Pregnancy
The Effects of Kinesio Taping on Peripheral Blood Flow
The Effects of Kinesio Taping on Torticollis in Infants
The Effects of Rocktape in Performance Enhancement
Theratape Education Center
Thigh Taping Videos
Thumb Pain
Thumb Pain - KT Tape
Thumb Tendinitis
ToolBox: Treatment for Sore Knees
Top of Foot Pain - KT Tape
Treatment of 2nd Degree Ankle Sprains
Triceps - GO Tape
Triceps - KT Tape
Triceps Brachii
Turf Toe - KT Tape
Types of Kinesiology Tape
Unique Uses for Kinesiology Tape
Upper Back Pain 01
Upper Back Pain 02
Upper Knee Pain - SpiderTech
Using Kinesio Taping in Patients after Cardiac Surgery
Videos - By Brand
Weak Hamstring - SpiderTech
What is Kinesiology Tape?
What is Power Taping for Athletic Performance?
Whiplash Pain Relieved
World Class Athletes Wearing Kinesiology Tape
Wrist Injury - StrengthTape
Wrist Pain - Genesis
Wrist Pain - Kinesio Tape
Wrist Pain - KT Tape
Wrist Stability - GO Tape
Wrist Support - Kindmax
Wrist Taping Videos

Kinesiology Taping Blog

There are 147 products.

Caring for the Painful Thumb


Caring for the Painful Thumb - More Than a Splint, was written by Jan Albrecht, an Occupational Therapist and Certified Hand Therapist. Written in terminololgy patients can understand with over 200 color illustrations, the book can be used as a teaching tool for both patients and therapists. A unique feature of Caring for the Painful Thumb is that it is two books in one: half the book is for the right hand and half for the left to help patients easily visualize mobilization and stabilization techniques. Includes step-by-step instructions for applying kinesiology tape to the thumb and CMC joint. 52 sturdy pages, spiral bound. This durable book can be used at the treatment table, or independently by the patient at the completion of therapy. Pages can be copied for handouts.

Availability: Back In Stock Soon!
  • -$0.00

Genesis Power Band Magnetic Wrist Band

$18.99 $22.95

The Genesis® Neoprene Power Band™ is an ultra-lightweight, durable magnetic aid providing complete unrestricted, flexible support. It helps to relieve tendonitis pain and prevent carpal tunnel syndrome while keeping your wrist therapeutically warm. The easy to use strap features a velcro tension adjustment to fit most bowlers.

  • Embroidered Genesis® logos
  • Easy velcro tension adjustment for total comfort
  • Lightweight, stretchy neoprene material
  • Increases circulation & rejuvenates cells
  • Helps balance the nervous system
Availability: Sold Out

Kinesio Clinical Video Series - Women's Health


As patients and as athletes, women may experience any of the injuries and issues common in an active population, as well as additional challenges specific to the female physiology and life cycle. Kinesio Taping® provides valuable assistance for medication-free support and pain relief during the pre and post natal stages of pregnancy and throughout the years, helping women to maintain an active lifestyle. This DVD focuses on Kinesio Taping applications for menstrual or pregnancy-related issues as well as health issues more common in women

This DVD is part of the Kinesio Clinical Video Series, a collection of 10 training videos to help health professionals learn more about incorporating Kinesio Taping into their specialties. Each video is approximately 45 minutes long and features specialists in the topic presented.

Availability: Sold Out

Kinesio Clinical Video Series - Sports Medicine


This DVD provides Kinesio Taping instructions for health professionals treating injuried athletes. Some of the best known uses of Kinesio Taping® are in the sports medicine field. Kinesio Taping can be utilized during all phases of sports injuries, including acute, sub-acute, chronic and rehabilitation. Relief of pain and swelling plus support and activation for injured or weakened muscles can allow patients to participate more fully in rehab and accelerate the recovery process.

This DVD is part of the Kinesio Clinical Video Series, a collection of 10 training videos to help health professionals learn more about incorporating Kinesio Taping into their specialties. Each video is approximately 45 minutes long and features specialists in the topic presented.

Availability: Sold Out

Clinical Therapeutic Applications of the Kinesio Taping Method, 3rd Ed


Clinical Therapeutic Applications of the Kinesio Taping Method is a detailed, technical manual, written for medical practitioners and individuals with an extensive understanding of anatomy and medical terminology. The 3rd edition, published in 2013, is a significant upgrade with 30 additional pages of KinesioTaping instructions and full color photographs replacing the old black and white images .

This is an official Kinesio Taping Method manual, based on over 30 years of clinical research, application and useage, including nearly 500 studies from more than 25 countries showing positive clinical outcomes.

The most comprehensive and up to date of all the KinesioTaping manuals, Clinical Therapeutic Applications opens by explaining the rationale and methodology for 7 different corrective taping techniques. This is followed by detailed KinesioTaping instructions with step-by-step color photographs for a wide variety of injuries and medical conditions. The table of contents is organized by body part, making it easy to quickly find taping directions for specific injuries or health conditions.

3rd Edition
8.5" x 11" softcover, spiral bound
274 Pages

Availability: Sold Out

Kinesio Clinical Video Series - Hand & Upper Extremity


This DVD provides an overview of Kinesio Taping® applications for the hand and arm, including thumb and finger issues, carpal tunnel syndrome. golfers and tennis elbow and arthritis. Kinesio Taping can provide structural support or realignment, relief of pain and swelling and can improve mobility and function during recovery from these conditions.

This DVD is part of the Kinesio Clinical Video Series, a collection of 10 training videos to help health professionals learn more about incorporating Kinesio Taping into their specialties. Each video is approximately 45 minutes long and features specialists in the topic presented.

Availability: Sold Out

Kinesio Clinical Video Series - Foot & Ankle


This DVD provides an overview of Kinesio Taping® applications for foot and ankle pain, injuries and dysfunction, including soft tissue and/or biomechanical issues. The complexity of the foot and ankle structures are simplified to provide the viewer with basic Kinesio Taping skills when addressing common, everyday lower limb issues.

This DVD is part of the Kinesio Clinical Video Series, a collection of 10 training videos to help health professionals learn more about incorporating Kinesio Taping into their specialties. Each video is approximately 45 minutes long and features specialists in the topic presented.

Availability: Sold Out

Genesis Pure Pad Bowling Ball Wipe Pad


Make a pure shot every time with this premium ball wipe pad. Made of durable all natural genuine buffalo leather, the heavy knap of the Pure Pad™ will effortlessly absorb dirt and oil better than any microfiber towel or shammy ever could. It\'s been specifically sized to fit in the palm of your hand, so right away you\'ll notice the texture and feel the difference in weight. Every time you use it, you\'ll be reminded that this isn\'t just another ordinary bowling towel.

Availability: Product available with different options

Kinesio Clinical Video Series - Active Mature


This DVD is for active individuals over 50 or health professionals working with this population. Being healthy and active can maintain fitness and vitality over the years. Physical activity can help manage health challenges such as arthritis, osteoporosis, or pain due to changes in posture or weakness. Maintaining a daily level of activity can become more challenging with age and may be compounded by illness, fatigue or fear of falling. Learning to use the Kinesio Taping® Method to manage day to day health problems is a low-cost approach to maintaining or improving health.

This DVD is part of the Kinesio Clinical Video Series, a collection of 10 training videos to help health professionals learn more about incorporating Kinesio Taping into their specialties. Each video is approximately 45 minutes long and features specialists in the topic presented.

Availability: Sold Out

Kinesio Taping for Lymphoedema and Chronic Swelling Manual


Although focused on Kinesio Taping for lymphedema and severe swelling, this manual also covers basic taping techniques for common injuries. The most recently-published manual, it is beautifully illustrated, with simple, step-by-step, full color instructions.

This manual is recommended for individuals with a good understanding of anatomy and medical terminology or experienced professionals who have been trained in the Kinesio® Taping Method.

8.5" x 11" softcover, spiral bound
172 pages with color photos

Chapter List
1. Understanding Lymphoedema and Chronic Swelling
2. Fundamentals of Kinesio Tex Taping
3. Kinesio Taping for Acute Localized Swelling
4. Kinesio Taping of the Deep Lymphatic Pathways for Chronic Swelling
5. Kinesiio Taping of the Collector Lymphatics for Acute or Chronic Swelling
6. Kinesio Taping of the Superficial Lymphatic Pathways for Chronic Swelling
7. Kinesio Taping for Pitting Oedema, Indurated Tissue, Scar Tissue and Chronic Venous Conditions

Availability: Out of Stock

Kinesio Clinical Video Series - Chiropractic & Osteopathic


This DVD provides training in the use of Kinesiology Taping as an adjunct to chiropractic or osteopathic medicine treatments. The Kinesio Taping® Method was originally developed in a manual therapy setting and continues to be a valuable tool to extend and prolong the benefits of treatments. It may be used as an adjunct or stand-alone treatment to address pain, edema or stiffness. In addition, it may give the physician a longer acting tool to help correct misalignment and assist in neuromuscular reeducation. Among the benefits of Kinesio Taping is its ability to promote self-healing without the use of medication.

This DVD is part of the Kinesio Clinical Video Series, a collection of 10 training videos to help health professionals learn more about incorporating Kinesio Taping into their specialties. Each video is approximately 45 minutes long and features specialists in the topic presented.

Availability: Sold Out

Kinesio Taping in Pediatrics Manual


Developed for pediatric medical practitioners and therapists, this comprehensive manual covers conditions that affect children from infancy to adolescence. Its user-friendly format includes numerous color photos to accurately demonstrate each of the taping techniques.

This manual is recommended for individuals with a good understand of anatomy and medical terminology or professionals who have been trained in the Kinesio® TexTaping Method.

8.5" x 11" Softcover, Spiral Bound
218 pages with color photos

Availability: Sold Out

Illustrated Kinesio Taping Manual


This manual covers the essentials of taping for a wide variety of injuries and health conditions. Its step-by-step approach to the Kinesio® Taping Method includes clear, hand-drawn illustrations indicating exactly how and where to apply Kinesio® Tex Tape. Anatomical drawings of the underlying structures help readers understand the intent of each taping. A 7-page introduction explains Kinesio Tape theory and basic techniques.

Illustrated KinesioTaping is directed toward individuals with a basic understanding of anatomy and medical terminology.

4th Edition
8.5" x 11" softcover
Spiral bound, 107 pages

Availability: Sold Out

Kinesio Clinical Video Series - Acupuncture


Because Acupuncture and Kinesio Taping® operate under similar principles, they can be used separately or in concert to address acute and chronic pain as well as various types of physical and emotional stress. The tape can be used either at specific acupuncture points or in larger areas to move energy along meridians within the affected region. Appropriate application of Kinesio® Tex Tape can stimulate energy flow and support the self-healing process.

This DVD is part of the Kinesio Clinical Video Series, a collection of 10 training videos to help health professionals learn more about incorporating Kinesio Taping into their specialties. Each video is approximately 45 minutes long and features specialists in the topic presented.

Availability: Sold Out

Kinesio Clinical Video Series - Sport & Fitness


This DVD is for athletes or health professionals working with the athletic population. Instructions are provided for use of the Kinesio Taping® Method in the treatment of a variety of acute and chronic orthopedic injuries commonly seen in an athletic or active populations. By utilizing Kinesio® Tex Tape, patients have reported a decrease in pain and swelling as well as quicker recovery times and a faster return to their original level of performance.

This DVD is part of the Kinesio Clinical Video Series, a collection of 10 training videos to help health professionals learn more about incorporating Kinesio Taping into their specialties. Each video is approximately 45 minutes long and features specialists in the topic presented.

Availability: Sold Out