Clinical Therapeutic Applications of the Kinesio Taping Method is a detailed, technical manual, written for medical practitioners and individuals with an extensive understanding of anatomy and medical terminology. The 3rd edition, published in 2013, is a significant upgrade with 30 additional pages of KinesioTaping instructions and full color photographs replacing the old black and white images .
This is an official Kinesio Taping Method manual, based on over 30 years of clinical research, application and useage, including nearly 500 studies from more than 25 countries showing positive clinical outcomes.
The most comprehensive and up to date of all the KinesioTaping manuals, Clinical Therapeutic Applications opens by explaining the rationale and methodology for 7 different corrective taping techniques. This is followed by detailed KinesioTaping instructions with step-by-step color photographs for a wide variety of injuries and medical conditions. The table of contents is organized by body part, making it easy to quickly find taping directions for specific injuries or health conditions.
3rd Edition
8.5" x 11" softcover, spiral bound
274 Pages
Data sheet