StrengthTape Uncut Bulk Rolls set a new standard for quality and value:
Supercharge your kinesiology taping with negative ions. StrengthTape is made by Endevr, maker of the best selling power and balance bracelets now worn by millions around the globe. StrengthTape's ion technology is created by infusing charged mineral and gemstone particles into kinesiology tape. These natural substances generate negative ions, charged molecules that relieve stress and boost energy. These charged particles are easily absorbed through the skin, making Strength Tape a powerful conduit to introduce negative ions into the body. Negative ions multiply the benefits of kinesiology tape by increasing antioxidants which protect cells from free radical damage associated with overuse or injury. This can lead to greater pain relief and more rapid recovery after intense exercise or injuries.
StrengthTape's special bulk roll pricing saves you $32 over the cost of buying the same amount of tape in single rolls.
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