Natural Healing With Kinesiology Tape
More often than not, the first line of defense against injury and inflammation comes from your medicine cabinet or your doctor’s prescription pad. Kinesiology tape can provide a natural option to OTC meds or prescription narcotics for pain relief and swelling. Next time you’re suffering from one of the following ailments, consider reaching for a roll of tape instead of a pill bottle.
Three Ways Kinesiology Tape Promotes Natural Healing
Kinesiology Tape for Joint Pain and Arthritis
Since kinesiology tape mimics human skin in elasticity and thickness, applying it to an aching area helps gently lift the top layer of skin. This creates a space between the top layer of skin and the tissues underneath, which can alleviate pressure and promote circulation. You can combine your kinesiology taping technique over-the-counter supplements like glucosamine/chondroitin for maximum relief without side effects. (Allergies to the tape or glucosamine are rare but they do happen so do take precautions.)
Taping correctly is crucial for finding relief, so do refer to’s YouTube Channel or
taping instructions for guidance on the best applications for your arthritis or joint pain. Leave a comment on this article and we will post an appropriate link for your issue.
Inflammation and Swelling
Applying tape to inflamed swollen areas can help reduce the build-up of lymphatic fluid, which causes swelling. Once swelling goes down, pain becomes more manageable and the healing process can proceed more smoothly.
Again, it’s important to apply tape correctly. Lymphatic or edema taping often requires a multi strip application to promote fluid movement through the lymphatic channels. This image shows how a lymphatic taping might look using
precut edema strips or
fan cut strips. You can pair this with a natural anti-inflammatory such as Bromelain (pineapple extract) which together can offer relief with little or no side effects.
Surgery Recovery

Whether helping to reduce post-surgery pain or the swelling that typically follows that level of trauma on the body, kinesiology tape can help accelerate your recovery time and minimize the need for pain medication.
Ask your physical therapist to recommend a kinesiology taping method to accelerate your progress and keep swelling at a minimum since that often causes setbacks in healing and rehab progress. Scar tissue often adheres to muscles and kinesiology tape can help reduce the scar tissue and accelerate your rehab progress. Keep in mind that tape should never be applied directly over open wounds or areas with sutures or stitches.
The natural benefits of kinesiology tape don’t stop there. Some studies have shown that tape applications also provide
relief for indigestion and pregnancy discomfort. Since many medications are often off limits to women during pregnancy, kinesiology tape could be
a great natural remedy for pressure relief on the belly and breasts.
Remember, do not use kinesiology tape on open cuts or wounds and avoid using on the back of the knees or on the scalene triangle (side of the neck).
More natural healing options with kinesiology tape are being studied and discovered all the time, so don’t be surprised to see this list grow.
Where to Buy Kinesiology Tape offers all of the major brands, types and colors of kinesiology tape. Discounts are available for health professionals, schools and resellers.
How has kinesiology tape resolved a pain, swelling or injury for you?
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