The MTC Kinesiology Taping For Horses by Academy of Equine Therapy equine physiotherapist Renate Ettl is an comprehensive manual that covers the theory and practical applications of the Muscular Taping Concept style of taping. This book has clear photographic illustrations and all of the step-by-step instructions you'll need for equine kinesiology taping. It starts with a beginner's guide to kinesiology taping including skin prep, tape cuts, and application techniques. It progresses into basic applications, injury appraisal, and clinical equine taping applications. Each section includes detailed charts, helpful tips, and warnings regarding common mistakes. MTC Kinesiology Taping For Horses is nearly 200 pages of densely packed information prepared to to teach you from scratch or hone your existing knowledge.
MTC focuses on stimulating regeneration and self-healing in muscles, joints, organs, and the neurological/circulatory systems without restricting freedom of movement in any way. The Medical Taping Concept works specifically to combat pain, itching, and swelling and provides support to muscles and joints while allowing full range of movement and minimizing irritation. There is a general section detailing common tape cuts and applications with their uses, but the majority of this book is dedicated to the in-depth illustrations and step-by-step instructions for specific therapeutic and preventative applications.
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